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Blerter + FFEA Webinar: Crisis Comms in the Age of COVID-19


Join us for a webinar with Blerter's Anthony Vernon, hosted by FFEA's Suzanne Neve, on crisis communications and understanding what to do if there has been a reporting of COVID-19 at your event.

What you'll learn:

  • What to do if there has been a reporting of COVID-19
  • Crisis communication procedures and strategies
  • Reporting a major incident on Blerter with a practical demonstration



Has your event been impacted by COVID-19? We'd like to hear from you. What challenges are you currently facing? What have you tried that you'd like to share with others?

Hear from Richard and have your say via our new interactive video tool.

About author
Blerter Team
Centralize your communications, operations, and safety processes - connecting your entire event team in one place with Blerter.
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Streamline your delivery, be prepared for things that can go wrong and increase crew engagement at your next event.