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Volunteer management: how will 2021 be different?


Join us for a webinar as we partner with VolunteerLocal to chat with Volunteer Program Director from The IRONMAN Group, talking event industry trends and best practices to keep volunteers as safe as possible.

What you will gain insights into:

      • The changes in trends we see happening this year compared to last year.
      • Best practices to keep volunteers and these events as safe as possible.
      • Why event technology is important in recovering from COVID and beyond.


Learn more about Blerter and VolunteerLocal's partnership, and how it can work for your event here

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Blerter Team
Centralize your communications, operations, and safety processes - connecting your entire event team in one place with Blerter.
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Streamline your delivery, be prepared for things that can go wrong and increase crew engagement at your next event.