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Events are challenging

Centralize your communications, operations, and safety processes - connecting your entire event team in one place with Blerter.


Everything in one place

To deliver amazing event experiences you need the right mix of technology. From sports events to festivals, the more complex your event, the harder it is to keep on top of everything. With an event delivery platform, your event will be connected like never before.

  • Comms - Communicate in realtime
    Connect with the right people at the right time
    No matter what role you play in the event planning team, you need to be able to connect with the right people at the right time whether or not they have a radio. With Blerter, you have two-way communication with your whole crew, whether you’re in the event operations center or on a mobile device. Never again will you have to worry about dropping the ball due to a lack of information.
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  • Operations - Manage your crew
    Reduce your workload
    Say goodbye to endless hours of paperwork, piles of documents and radio chaos. When you automate your crew onboarding, scheduling and communication processes, you can be confident that all of your people are always kept up-to-date and ready for any surprises that come their way.
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  • Safety - Keep everyone safe
    Plan for the unexpected
    Running successful events means planning for the unexpected and taking appropriate action to mitigate risks that could impact your event. Keep everyone safe at your event with Blerter’s easy-to-use platform designed to help you manage incidents, hazards and near misses as they happen.
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  • Reporting - Get actionable insights
    Meaningful data about your events is just a click away
    Record everything as it happens, enabling you to review all key activities, including how hazards and incidents were managed. See your entire event portfolio and gain insights to help you improve future events - keeping people safe and preserving your reputation.
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Want to try Blerter at your next event?

Talk to our team about whether Blerter is right for your next event.