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Lyn Vu

Finance Manager

With 10 years of experience in accounting, principally in the educational, health and marketing sectors, Lyn looks after Blerter’s transactional and management accounting. Lyn is also a Certified Public Accountant with CPA Australia.

Lyn has a special interest in cutting-edge technologies, particularly in how technology and automation will shape and change people’s lives over the next 20 years—and how we will embrace and adapt as a result. She is constantly exploring automation tools to improve processes, and reporting.

Outside of work, Lyn is mother to two beautiful girls. Her life is busy with taking her kids to after-school activities and spending time at the beautiful beaches near their home. Lyn also enjoys cooking and reading, and she is currently trying her hand at blogging. Her dream is to become a life coach and inspire people to enjoy life, be grateful and to live their lives to the fullest.
