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Napier Art Deco Festival

Find out how Napier Art Deco Festival brought on Blerter to improve communication, safety, and visibility over operations and incidents.

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Improve communication, safety and visibility over operations and incidents

Napier Art Deco Festival has fast become one of New Zealand's most noteworthy festivals. Spanning five days in the heart of summer, both locals and international visitors alike visit Hawkes Bay to take their pick of more than 200 free and ticketed events.

Increasing popularity has meant rapid growth for the festival. This year, they were looking to address challenges of how best to keep staff, volunteers and attendees safe, maintain clear and direct communication, and keep track of all different activities both prior to and during the festival. 

In this case study, you'll learn about:


Why having a central communication tool helps keep track of hazards and incidents 


How quick and accurate communication is essential to keep people safe


Why it is important to equip your whole crew to improve visibility across your event