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How resilient is your event in the face of uncertainty?

Keeping people safe and managing risk is essential to running a successful event. The Event Preparedness & Resilience Survey will give you a chance to see how you compare with your peers globally and provide new insights into the events industry.

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The 2019 Event Preparedness & Resilience Survey

How to participate

Your experience and knowledge is important to the industry.

By participating in this survey, we will collectively gain deep insights into the industry’s preparedness and resilience to manage adverse events in today’s uncertain world.

The online survey is made up of two parts. Part A should take less than 5 minutes. You will then be given the option to proceed to Part B which will take approximately 10 minutes to complete if you wish to provided more in-depth insights.

The final report will not only help to define industry best practices based off real world data but will provide visibility into what is being done well across the industry, and where changes can be made to ensure that as an industry we are continuously improving.

Why take part?

Your time is valuable and we want to make sure that you get the insights you need to make decisions as you strive to provide a safe and secure environment at your events.

By participating in the survey you will receive:

  • Priority access to Peter Ashwin's November webinar.

  • A complimentary download of the report when it is released in October so that you see how you compare and get ahead of the curve as you plan your next event.

All survey responses will remain anonymous and results will only be reported in the aggregate.

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Connect your team, shape your event

Blerter helps manage risk and streamline the delivery of complex events from sports, to concerts and festivals. With an easy-to-use platform that helps you centralise your communication, operations and safety processes, your entire event team is connected in one place.

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Yesterday’s incident is tomorrow’s risk

Event Risk Management Solutions (ERMS) is a consulting practice committed to creating safer festivals & events through the provision of practical and effective risk management solutions and to build resilient organizations who are better prepared to mitigate, manage and recover from adverse events in todays uncertain world.

Learn more

Gaining a deeper understanding of our industry’s preparedness and resilience is essential to deliver world class guest experiences in a safe and secure environment in today's uncertain world.

Peter Ashwin
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