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Arathy Santhikumari

Senior Test Engineer

Arathy is a dynamic professional with over eleven years of software testing experience in both manual and automated testing.

She has worked with a wide range of programmes and tools throughout her career following agile and waterfall methodologies.

Arathy is a Certified Scrum Master and is good at conducting foolproof testing of software with effective use of testing practices of software products and projects in line with the established testing protocols, guidelines and quality standards.

With sound knowledge of all phases of SDLC and STLC and with strong working knowledge of software testing methodologies for both Desktop and Web and Mobile Applications, Arathy is a highly valuable member of the Blerter QA team.

Arathy holds a Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology and ISTQB Certification.

She spends her free time reading complicated novels or gardening and considers spending time with her kids a favourite pastime.
